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Your Words Matter.

Share your voice. Write your story.


I WRITE NY is an ongoing, New York State creative initiative for middle and high school students. A committee reviews all submissions (writing and other media) and awards grants for outstanding work, which will be shared and acknowledged publicly. Writers, influencers, and sponsors suggest writing challenges that are posted online monthly or as a “flash” event.


I Write & GO! is designed to capture kids' imagination, motivate them to write, create something, and share it.

Sign up for In The Know

and find out when I Write & Go is starting.


Join the Zine team and "Write from Experience" with magazine editor and coach, Lisa A. Chambers.  

Program starts in March.  All writings, images, illustrations are developed during the program by the students. 


Read the inaugural issue filled with original poetry, stories of "Life in Lockdown", childhood memories and unique dramas. 



The Know in partnership with members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA-East) and the Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) are calling MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS to take the WRITING challenge.



Every time you accept a writing challenge and submit your story (minimum three paragraphs), you earn points. You can redeem your points to purchase a workshop in Essay writing, Poetry or with accumulated points, attend a series of classes, or receive personalized coaching for a job interview or apprenticeship.  Through The Know’s strategic partners, we plan to offer audiobooks, textbooks, tech equipment and other equipment, software and tools you may need for school or to complete a project.

The more you submit work online to different challenges, the more you will learn and points you will earn.  

A Reading Committee of authors, editors and specialty writers volunteer each quarter (every three months) to review and evaluate student submissions by gaging and charting writing conventions and originality.

You will learn that “words matter” to authors, editors, stand up artists, public speakers, and publishers.


I WRITE NY offers interested students free meetups and workshops guided by volunteer authors and writing mentors. 

We also offer affordable in-person or remote, 5 – 10 week programs with 2-hour classes, designed and run by coaches in their field. The aim of I WRITE NY is to cultivate the next generation of powerful writers, journalists, and communicators.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or a coach please click BECOME A MENTOR OR COACH. Send us your resume and a brief letter about your accomplishments and how you would share your knowledge with youth. If you have questions, call us at 917-710-0050.


Parents and Teachers can collaborate with the I Write NY team creating a writing challenge event for students to spark interest in a broader world, sharpen skills across the curriculum, and ignite a lasting love for words, writing and story-telling. 

Sign up,  Tell us your writing challenge proposal, deadline and celebration event dates. Tie the challenge to a writing genre or nationwide theme month such as Black History or Poetry. The Know will post your home or school challenge online and offer participating students an audience for their writing outside the classroom

Questions? For more information on how to create an I Write NY Challenge, contact,, or call 212-346-9933.

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